Employee & Labor Relations

Name Role Phone Location Email
Kaylan Grimes ELR Analyst 850-644-1942 krg08@fsu.edu
Aquila Enzor HR Specialist 850-644-7703 ars04@fsu.edu
Alexis Trapani HR Specialist 850-644-8142 at18bx@fsu.edu
Luke Michalowicz Director, HR Satellite Offices 850-645-4801 ljm22j@fsu.edu
Carson McLeod HR Representative 850-644-6475 camcleod@fsu.edu
Murphy Reinert HR Specialist 850-645-0876 UCA mreinert@fsu.edu
Tracey Pearson Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer and Director of Employee & Labor Relations 850-644-3694 A6200 University Center tvpearson@fsu.edu