Changes to FRS Reemployment Restrictions

Message to deans, directors, department heads

This message has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff.

The Florida Legislature recently updated the Florida Retirement System’s (FRS) reemployment restriction period. 

Beginning July 1, 2024, retirees of the FRS Pension Plan, FRS Investment Plan, or the State University System Optional Retirement Plan (SUSORP) will be eligible to return to FRS employment without restrictions after six months of retirement. The pause on pension benefits or distributions for months seven through twelve has been removed.

Participants under the FRS Pension Plan are considered retired after receiving their first monthly pension check (benefit).

Participants under the FRS Investment Plan or the SUSORP are considered retirees the month following their first retirement distribution. Distribution eligibility after termination of employment is dependent on the employee’s situation.

If a retiree returns to work within the first six months of their retirement, they will have voided their retirement and must repay all monies paid to them, including Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) accrual. FSU may be found jointly liable for this amount. If a reemployment violation occurs, departments will be billed for any repayment amounts charged by the FRS to FSU.

Hiring managers are still encouraged to direct any questions to the FSU HR Benefits office when unsure if a retiree is eligible for rehire without restrictions. For additional information regarding FRS restrictions, please see the links in the chart below.

FRS Pension Plan

FRS Investment Plan






Questions? Please contact the Benefits Office at or (850) 644-4015.

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