Foreign Government Talent Recruitment


This message has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff, for distribution to all Deans, Directors, and Department Heads.

Florida State University is a preeminent public research institution that is committed to facilitating publicly accessible research and scholarly activities, both domestically and internationally. However, some restrictions are placed on research activities that include items of national security. Foreign influence in federally funded research has been a growing concern of the U.S. Government.

In order to ensure compliance with federal guidelines on research and Foreign Government Talent programs, Human Resources has created a certification form to be included in the hiring process. This form must be completed by candidates/employees being hired into salaried appointments, faculty OPS appointments, or OPS research appointments.

Employees with a hire date of on or after May 1, 2020, will be required to complete a Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Program (FGTRP) form.

  • New hires indicating they participate in a FGTRP must receive approval from the Office of Research before work commences.
  • The completed and approved (if applicable) form must be uploaded into the Supplemental Documents page for all candidates completing an original onboarding invitation. This requirement includes new hires and rehires with a break in service.

You must continue to follow this procedure until the Smart Onboarding electronic process includes the new certification questions. A communication will be sent out when this step is no longer required.

Please reach out to your candidates who are in the onboarding process with original invitations to instruct them to complete this required step.


For additional information on foreign influence in the University’s research efforts, please refer to the University’s Research Compliance website.


For questions about the Smart Onboarding process or required forms, please contact Abigail Lejeune at or (850) 644-6470.

For questions about Research Compliance, please contact Diana Key at or (850) 644-8648.

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