Important Information Regarding Appointments on FSURF Funds


This message has been approved by Shelley Lopez, Program Director, Communications/Special Projects, for distribution to all Department Representatives.

As part of the FSU Research Foundation (FSURF) integration into OMNI, salary companion projects will no longer be utilized for FSURF projects. As a result, ePAFs must be processed through OMNI HR for all individuals currently appointed on FSURF salary companion projects if the award will still be active after June 30, 2020.

Appointments on the existing salary companion projects should end on June 25, 2020, and appointments on new projects should begin on June 26, 2020. The new OMNI projects will be available in OMNI starting Monday, June 1, 2020. Departments will have until June 26, 2020, to have the ePAF processed through final approval.

The FSURF to OMNI frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been updated to include information about the transition away from using existing salary companion projects for Research Foundation funds (see Personnel Action Questions). General information about this project, as well as a crosswalk of current salary companion project numbers to the new project numbers, can be found on the Controller’s Office website. We look forward to a successful transition and thank you in advance for your cooperation and feedback.

Questions? Project-specific questions related to the FSU Research Foundation transition should be directed to your Grants Analyst at FSURF. General questions about the FSU Research Foundation transition should be directed to Betsy Miller at

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