New Role Certification Process Coming Summer 2023

Message to department representatives

This message has been approved by Shelley Lopez, Program Director, Communications/Special Projects, for distribution to all Department Representatives.

A new, streamlined process will soon make it easier to review and certify employee security access roles.

Starting July 1, 2023, supervisors of employees with requested security access roles will receive quarterly notifications to review and adjust employee roles as necessary. The review will now occur in the myFSU HR portal and will increase departmental efficiencies and university security.

Why the change?

The new employee role certification process is much faster and easier, saving time by eliminating unnecessary steps and paperwork. Also, automated email and push notifications will be sent as reminders to review employee role certifications and stay on top of regular reviews.

What do I do?

Watch for quarterly notifications to review role certifications for your employees. The notifications will be sent via email and push notifications within myFSU HR. Click the link in the notification to view a list of all your employees and quickly certify or deny each employee's assigned roles.

You will receive the first notification on July 1, 2023.

For step-by-step instructions on how to review roles, visit myFSU Service Center.

Questions? Please contact ITS at 850-644-4357 or

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