Office of Human Resources Recognized at Annual F&A Appreciation Event
This message has been approved by Shelley Lopez, Program Director, Communications/Special Projects.
On November 15, 2024, the Division of Finance & Administration gathered for the annual F&A Employee Appreciation Celebration. Several Human Resources employees were among those recognized at the event. To see the full list of winners and service recognitions, please visit the F&A Appreciation Event Website.
Office of Human Resources Award Winners:
Mover & Shaker Award - Will Fiorito (left), Assistant Director, Compensation Services, pictured with Sr. Vice President Kyle Clark (right).
Dream Team Award - Sandra Dixon (left), Associate Director, and Emily Kennelly (right), Instructional Designer, Office of Continuous Improvement & Training, pictured with Sr. Vice President Kyle Clark (center).
Candid Photos
Associate Vice President & Chief of Staff Renisha Gibbs addresses the crowd.
Derik Lipford, I-9 Administrator, Employee Data Management, gets his face painted.
FSU Police Department Investigator E. Sanders (left) and Associate Vice President Gibbs (right) are all smiles.
(Back Row, L-R): Derik Lipford, Destini Johnson, Joel Hunt, and Eli Merritt. (Front Row, L-R): Emily Lane and Laura Jerrolds.
(L-R): Janie Toothaker, Jasmine Thomas, and April Smatt.
(L-R): Rebecca Peterson and Akín Valentín-Quiñones