Ordering COVID-19 Supplies

This message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Kyle Clark, Vice President for Finance & Administration.
As a follow-up to the campus-wide town hall last week, I wanted to provide additional information regarding resources to mitigate COVID-19. Please review the information below and reach out to procurement services for any purchasing questions. The campus community's safety is the university’s highest priority. Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of these resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19 supplies are available for order on a first-come, first-served basis to departments at no charge through the FSU Warehouse catalog in SpearMart. Instructions on how to order may be found here: Shopping from the FSU Warehouse Hosted Catalog.pdf.
It is recommended that departments bundle orders as much as possible to assist with the speed and efficiency of delivery.
Face Coverings/Masks
Medical-grade masks are available for order at no charge in the FSU warehouse catalog in SpearMart. Departments and ordering units assistance will help make sure that deliveries and drop-offs can be accommodated as needed.
Air Purifiers
Individuals or departments that would like to request additional air purifiers at no cost for their office space may continue to do so. Please visit the FSU Warehouse catalog in SpearMart by January 15 to complete the request. Once ordered, mail services will be in contact about pickup arrangements.
As a reminder, large air purifiers were deployed throughout shared spaces on campus during the Fall 2021 semester. These units are closely monitored, and filters will be replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Starting this week, for a limited time, departments that previously ordered individual, smaller Honeywell air purifiers for personal spaces may request replacement filter kits via the FSU Warehouse catalog in SpearMart at no charge. The filter kit will cover the filter replacements for one year for each unit.
Air Purifiers for Purchase
While supplies last, the University is offering a limited amount of its available air purifiers at cost for personal purchase. Please visit https://www.facilities.fsu.edu/depts/wastemanagement/public_auction.php for more information.
Sanitation Supplies
Wipes and other sanitation supplies continue to be available on a limited basis. Please check the FSU Warehouse catalog for availability.
If you have any feedback or questions, please contact Procurement Services at procurement@fsu.edu. For ordering instructions, please review the SpearMart Job Aid.