Sick Leave Pool Open Enrollment

This message has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff, for distribution to all Deans, Directors, and Department Heads.
The open enrollment period for membership in the University Sick Leave Pool is February 8 – 26, 2021. Applications will be available on the HR Sick Leave Pool website beginning Monday, February 8, 2021, and must be submitted directly to Stephanie Saltos via email at no later than Friday, February 26, 2021.
Florida State does not participate in or allow inter-agency transfers of leave between employees of the University and other state agencies. Membership in the University’s Sick Leave Pool is the only way to contribute leave to aid fellow Florida State employees in their time of need. It also provides members an opportunity to receive additional sick leave in the event of a severe personal illness or injury.
Eligibility requirements include employment as a Faculty, Executive Service, A&P, or USPS employee who:
- has been continuously employed with the University for one year or more;
- has a sick leave balance of at least 72 hours after leave accruals process for the pay period ending February 18, 2021; and
- has an average sick leave use of fewer than 9 days for each year of University employment.
Upon acceptance into the Sick Leave Pool, employees donate 8 hours of sick leave to the Pool and remain members until they leave the University or request in writing to be removed from the Pool. The 8 hours donated to the Pool are non-refundable. Members who terminate their employment may also donate up to 40 hours of their sick leave to the Pool upon their separation from the University.
Questions? Contact Stephanie Saltos at or (850) 644-9610.