University Operations Update

Important Announcement

This message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff.


FSU continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic data. As such, the University has updated information on Phase 1 and the use of face coverings on campus.

University Phase 1

FSU will remain in Phase 1 through June 21, 2020. University leadership will continue to monitor data from health and safety officials to determine next steps beyond June 21, but it is anticipated that we will advance to Phase 2 on or about June 22, 2020. Updates will be provided as information becomes available. Departments can continue to allow employees to return to their work location as long as no more than 25% of employees are present at one time. Employees who are able to work remotely may continue to do so. Faculty will continue to hold classes online through Summer C.

An announcement that the State of Florida has advanced to Phase 2 will not automatically trigger a move to Phase 2 by the University. Departments should continue preparing for the transition to Phase 2 by developing a plan and schedule for employees to physically return to campus with no more than 50% of employees at any given time.

Face Coverings

In an abundance of caution, the previously communicated face covering guidance has been updated to further safeguard members of our campus community as we continue the phased approach to returning to campus. Face coverings will now be mandatory for all employees who come onto campus effective immediately and until further notice.

The University has ordered face coverings in bulk for all faculty and staff. Departments must work with Procurement Services ( to purchase the face coverings and distribute to employees in their areas that are returning to campus. Reusable coverings can be provided by the department to each employee upon request. Procurement Services is prioritizing orders for employees currently on campus. Additional face covering orders will be distributed to departments once all of the shipments of face coverings have arrived as we approach Phase 2. We ask that employees who already have a face covering wait to request one from their department to ensure there are adequate supplies for individuals currently working on campus. Information for ordering face coverings can also be found on the Campus Ramp-up Supplies webpage. Please also visit this website for additional procurement aids and other supplies departments may need as more individuals return to campus.

Although face coverings are now mandatory on campus, please remember to continue practicing social distancing. Remain six feet apart from others when possible and continue to practice proper handwashing.


Be on the lookout for additional communications over the next few weeks and prior to the University’s move to Phase 2. These communications will address Return to Work guidance, COVID-19 testing, and additional guidance for employees in high risk categories.

Please continue to check the University’s Coronavirus Updates webpage and the Office of Human Resources’ COVID-19 Resources webpage. For information on ordering face coverings, please visit the Procurement Services webpage.

General COVID-19 related questions can be directed to

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