Updated Winter Break Schedule
This message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff.
Dear Colleagues,
In recognition of our employees’ consistent effort and dedication, President McCullough has extended the Winter Break Holiday Schedule. Winter Break will begin on Monday, December 18, 2023, and the university will resume normal business operations on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
The President is honored to provide these additional days as a token of appreciation to faculty and staff. Please enjoy this extra time with family and friends.
Generally speaking, the university will be closed from December 18, 2023 – January 2, 2024. However, services that are essential to the university, as determined by department heads, must continue. Please note that the grade submission deadline will remain unchanged and is Tuesday, December 19, 2023. Therefore, faculty and administrators responsible for submitting grades and the processing and corrections to grades may be required to work. Any employee (A&P, USPS, or 12-month Faculty) required by the department head to work during the Winter Break days may be eligible to earn compensatory leave.
The payroll schedules for pay periods “L” (ending 12/07/23) and “M” (ending 12/21/23) must be accelerated. Departments should monitor deadlines and ensure that necessary tasks are completed timely for accurate payroll processing. Closer to the impacted pay periods, the Office of Human Resources will distribute communications with adjusted processing calendars, instructions for monitoring employee pay, further procedural information regarding the appropriate use of leave, and confirmation of agreement with our faculty and staff unions.
Thank you for your continued service and commitment to the university. We look forward to another great year in 2024.
Renisha Gibbs
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Finance & Administration Chief of Staff