Overcoming Stress and Anxiety During COVID-19

Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

This message has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff, for distribution to all Deans, Directors, and Department Heads.

The COVID-19 situation has brought forth new challenges both personally and professionally for many employees. It is important to ensure that staff have guidance and appropriate resources to address any stress and anxiety they may be experiencing.

While it is normal to experience some degree of anxiety, it can be detrimental to our overall health. The Employee Assistance Program has created a useful virtual training to assist with mitigating stress and anxiety during this time of uncertainty. Please watch, and encourage others to watch, to learn some helpful strategies to effectively manage stress and improve overall well-being.

The virtual training is located on the Employee Assistance Program website.

Questions? Contact Kyle Caswell, EAP Counselor at klcaswell@fsu.edu.

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