One O365 Project
This message has been approved by Shelley Lopez, Program Director, Communications/Special Projects, for distribution to all Department Representatives.
This spring, Information Technology Services (ITS) is leading a major campaign to combine all student and employee email accounts in one email system, hosted by Office 365. Moving everyone into the same email system will open doors to increased collaboration across the university. For example, staff can search for student contact info directly in Outlook. Student workers can access and help manage department mailboxes. Faculty can use Microsoft Teams to talk with students or set up virtual office hours.
What is changing?
At completion, all student emails will be converted to email addresses and will follow the format Student employees will have one email inbox where both their school and work emails are stored.
New student applicants began receiving emails starting February 4. Current student email accounts will transition to the new system the evening of May 4. This transition will not result in any changes to employee email unless an employee is a current student.
What do I need to do?
Please update student contact information anywhere you have it stored. Scrub your department's website and documentation to replace any references to emails, and update student email links to point to the new sign in page
To help students with the transition, ITS has prepared a One O365 communications kit that includes sample text, digital graphics, printable posters, video links and more. Please use the kit to help raise awareness and support students through the change.
More Info
Find out more about the One O365 project at
Questions? Please contact