Employment Offer Letter Updates

This message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff.
As previously communicated, President McCullough established a Foreign Interference/Influence Task Force in response to recent legislation amending sections 286.101 and 288.860 of the Florida Statutes and BOG Regulation 9.012.
In partnership with the Task Force, the Office of Human Resources has updated offer letter templates for Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Assistants. The updated templates can be found on the Office of Human Resources website in the HR Forms Library:
Offer Letter Sample – USPS and USPS time-limited
Offer Letter Sample – A&P
Offer Letter Sample – Executive Service
Offer Letter Sample – Tenure Track Faculty
Offer Letter Sample – Specialized Faculty
Offer Letter Sample – Postdoctoral Scholar
Appointment Letter/Checklist – Graduate Assistants
Effective immediately, offer letters must include the new language to remain in compliance.
General questions: contact your assigned recruiter in Employment & Recruitment Services.
Graduate Assistant questions: Rebecca Peterson at (850) 645-2202 or rpeterson@fsu.edu.