EDI Lunch & Learn - Center for the Advancement of Teaching
This message has been approved by Shelley Lopez, Program Director, Communications/Special Projects.
The FSU Center for the Advancement of Teaching will present on best practices for returning to in-seat learning in the fall and what we learned from virtual-only learning that we may want to carry forward, even with a full return to campus in August.
Over the course of the academic year, The EDI Office will host a monthly event featuring an academic department or administrative office. These Lunch & Learns are intended to provide information and access to university resources in an effort to foster a diverse, inclusive and equitable campus community; in alignment with the Diversity & Inclusion goal of the university’s strategic plan.
Please invite your colleagues to attend the Lunch & Learn.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Zoom link: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/5350049387