Navigating Recruitment in Today’s Market

The Office of Human Resources is available to partner with hiring departments in navigating today’s challenging job market. This web page is devoted to providing tools and practical approaches to enhance recruitment efforts at each stage of the hiring process. 

Advertising & Recruiting

OMNI Job Opening: Hiring departments may need to approach advertisements differently than before. Consider including additional information in your posting or taking additional steps to help build a more robust applicant pool.

  • Ensure the job posting is updated, clear, and includes the required descriptions from our job posting checklists.
  • Include anticipated salary information when possible. National research shows applicants are reluctant to apply to positions that do not include this information. List a starting range, commensurate with education/experience.
    • Example: “Anticipated starting salary: Low to mid $40,000’s, commensurate with education and experience.”
  • ​​​​​FSU offers partial and fully remote opportunities through our Alternate Work Location Arrangement Pilot Program! This allows us to recruit the most highly qualified candidates from across the country, and offer work-life balance which is a top priority for the modern applicant.
    • An approval process is required. 
    • If a job is approved by HR for Remote work or approved by the department for Hybrid partial telework, choose that option from the Recruiting Locations list and include it in the “Considerations” posting description. Using the hybrid or remote location codes will allow candidates to filter jobs with these designations.
  • Explore using the “Open Until Filled” option for Faculty and A&P job openings.
  • Add a “Helpful” section to the job opening that addresses: 
    • The impact this role has on the university and the ideal candidate for the role.
    • What is a typical day/working environment is like
    • What the employee can expect in the first 60 - 90 days
    • Who is an ideal candidate for this position? You're known as a problem-solver and a go-to person for sound advice. You work well under pressure and think quick on your feet - remaining calm and professional. You're able to see the big picture and the small details without much effort. Discretion comes naturally to you and going "above and beyond" is not just a catch phrase — it's what you do. You're able to connect with people across diverse backgrounds. You can balance compliance and customer service. You can easily engage with others, be assertive, and diplomatic at the same time. This position takes a unique skill set. Good communication skills are a must.

      What is a typical day in this position? No two days are the same. One day you may be assisting two employees in resolving a conflict with each other. The next you may be taking statements as part of an investigation that could lead to someone losing their job. Let's be honest — this role is challenging. But along with the challenges comes the reward of resolving conflicts and helping to foster a positive and productive work environment.

      What can I expect in the first 60-90 days? Your first few weeks will be getting up to speed on all things FSU HR — our policies, procedures, and what is expected of you. You'll also spend time shadowing other ELR Analysts on cases, so you have a good understanding how to manage and process cases. There's on the job training, but you'll need to bring your previous experience and skills to the table; we're definitely not starting at entry-level. Previous experience in employee and/or relations is very helpful, and we'll spend time transferring those previous skills to this role.

  • Recruiting for a couple of weeks with no results? Consult with your assigned recruiter to review and refresh your job posting if the opening is not yielding a suitable applicant pool.

External Advertising: Utilize external advertising, trade publications, and listservs!

Reviewing Applications, Interviewing, and Keeping Candidates Engaged

  • Applicants are applying with multiple companies simultaneously. Review applicants as they are routed for consideration and schedule interviews timely.
    • Your assigned recruiter can screen/route as needed, upon request.
  • FSU offers a robust benefits package! During the interview process: 
  • Keep your top candidates engaged in the conversation as you move through the process.
  • In today’s market it may be necessary to give a contingent offer letter when you would normally give a verbal offer. A contingent offer letter may help to secure your candidate, while you work on the system pieces and OMNI job offer. Contingent offer letters can be issued prior to the Onboarding process, using the templates on the HR Website.

Job Offer

  • Leverage the available Recruiting Incentives for applicable positions. If approved, use these tools in the negotiations process.
  • Complete steps in the system timely following our appointment checklists, so the offer and onboarding process move quickly and smoothly. 
  • Communication is key! Communicate and engage your candidate in the next steps throughout the hiring and onboarding process.

How about Hybrid and Remote Work?

  • Consider the Alternate Work Location Arrangement Pilot Program hybrid option.
  • Remote Positions are only approved based on the location of the job duties or for highly-skilled positions that are difficult to fill as determined by the Office of Human Resources.

Additional Resources: