Campus Security Report: Jeanne Clery Act

The "Jeanne Clery Disclosure for Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act" (formerly the Campus Security Act) is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education to disclose campus security information including crime statistics for the campus and surrounding area.

As a current or prospective Florida State University student or employee, you have a right to obtain a copy of this information for this institution. You may review this information within the Seminole Safety guides listed below. To view the Jeanne Clery Act, please visit the Clery Center for Security on Campus website.

The Seminole Safety Guide discusses campus crime prevention, law enforcement authority and programs, drug, alcohol, and sexual violence policies, campus crime statistics, and more. You may also obtain a hard copy of this information upon request by contacting the Florida State University Police Crime Prevention Section at (850)644-1388 or (850)644-3660.