A courtesy appointment is a designation in the University's HR application system (OMNI) that does not include compensation or confer employee status on the appointee. A courtesy appointment may be requested if there is a mutual benefit for the candidate and FSU. Departments can request a courtesy appointment if the contributions of the individual will be substantive and sustained in achieving the mission of the department and the University. Candidates must be significantly involved in the department's teaching, scholarly, or creative activities offering the courtesy appointment.
Courtesy candidate involvement typically occurs in the context of research, course, or journal collaboration, serving on committees, being listed as an instructor of record, assisting as an outside consultant, or being employed by an outside agency affiliated with FSU. Courtesy appointments are used for faculty and non-faculty roles. There are many courtesy Job Codes available.
The courtesy appointment permits the individual to access university privileges, such as FSU email accounts, computer system access, departmental shared drives, or building access. Departments and academic units are responsible for oversight of all courtesy candidates and assessing the risk associated with courtesy appointments.
A department will use the Courtesy Express process to initiate the request. The background check questionnaires are submitted through the Courtesy Express process, while background checks, if needed, are submitted during the Onboarding process. For general information on the University background check process please visit Background Check for more information.
The Frequently Asked Questions document aims to answer the most asked questions regarding Courtesy Appointments, Temporary IDs, and Unpaid Visiting Scholars. Please review this document before submitting your courtesy appointment request. If you need additional information, please contact the EDM - Special Projects team.
Courtesy FAQ
This guide will detail the steps to appoint Courtesy Appointment candidates via Courtesy Express in OMNI HR. Each semester, the Office of Human Resources creates a non-advertised job opening for use by the entire University, known as the Courtesy Express. This process is used when the Courtesy recruitment has been completed offline and the department has identified a Courtesy appointment. The Courtesy Express job opening will display for departments in the Recruiting > Search Job Openings list, but it is not advertised as a job for which applicants can apply. The department creates the applicant record, links the record to the current Courtesy Express pool, and prepares the job offer.
Internal Courtesy Express Job Aid
Supplemental Documents for Courtesy Appointments (If Applicable)
- INSTRUCTOR OF RECORD TEACHING FACULTY: Must include a copy of the curriculum vitae and official transcripts.
- College of Law Adjuncts: Bar License and curriculum vitae
- PARTICIPATING IN RESEARCH: Provide a signed copy of the Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Program (FGTRP) form.
- VISITING SCHOLAR/RESEARCH: FSU procedures and forms for inviting a Visiting Scholar/Researcher are listed here.
- PHOTO ID REQUIRED FOR COURTESY APPOINTMENTS: All Courtesy Appointments now require a photo ID uploaded by the courtesy candidate. This ID can be domestic or international. It is the department's responsibility to ensure one is uploaded and that the name on the ID matches the name of the candidate.
For procedural questions and policy questions for non-faculty, please contact Amy Walker in Human Resources at HR-CourtesyDocs@fsu.edu.
For policy questions for Faculty, please contact the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement at (850)644-7500.
Courtesy job codes mirror a number of regular University job codes, but begin with "Y" or "H" (faculty) modifiers. The duties for courtesy job codes match those for the corresponding regular job code. The specific courtesy job code used for an appointment should be based on the role the appointee will be filling in your department. Refer to the "description of duties" associated with each courtesy job code to determine the proper job code assignment.
Faculty courtesy job codes reflecting rank, such as assistant professor, associate professor, professor, and eminent scholar, may only be given to appointees who hold that rank in an academic department (whether at FSU or another higher education institution.
In addition to courtesy job codes, a grouping by similar duties, Courtesy Appointments are further classified by their EMPL Class. Courtesy Appointment EMPL Classes will depend on their home department and responsibilities. Using the appropriate courtesy EMPL Class is essential, as it allows the University to track categories of visitors for reporting and appointment management purposes. Refer to the list below to determine which EMPL Classification is appropriate before submitting the courtesy offer.
- Most Common Courtesy EMPL Classes
- Courtesy – for all courtesy appointments that are not visiting scholars and do not fall under engineering or medicine.
- Vstg Schlr – for any courtesy appointment coming to campus for more than 14 days to conduct research. Typically sponsored by a faculty member for a limited time.
- Department specific: College of Engineering
- Joint Coll – FAMU employees and students requiring FSU system access and employed through the joint College of Engineering. For Non-US Citizens, RAMP approval using the Request Type as Visa is required when the appointment includes research or research-related support.
- Department specific: College of Medicine
- PCF – Physician Assistant Faculty
- MSC – Medicine Community Student
- MCF – Medicine Community Faculty
- RCF – Residency Community Faculty
Visiting Scholars/Researchers (More than 14 Consecutive Days)
Visiting scholars/researchers may not be invited to FSU for more than 14 consecutive days without a courtesy appointment. The FSU procedures and forms for inviting an visiting scholar/researcher list here.
FSU Policy 3A-100 on visiting scholars/researchers is available here.
All Visiting Scholars must complete the Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Program form and upload it to the Department Supplemental Document step in Courtesy Onboarding.
Generally, courtesy appointments remain active until they are terminated by the department. Consequently, departments do not need to re-appoint courtesy appointments each year but will need to terminate the courtesy appointment when the services end.
However, if a department fails to confirm active courtesy appointments through the annual Courtesy Mass Appointment Verification Process, all courtesy appointments in the department will be automatically terminated.
The following OMNI HR query can be used to identify active courtesy appointments within a department: FSU_COURTESY_BY_DEPT.
Departments must confirm the validity of their active courtesy appointments through the annual Courtesy Mass Appointment Verification Process. During this process, all courtesy appointments in OMNI HR will automatically terminate, unless marked for retention by the Department Representative and Department Manager. If a department has active courtesy appointments, the Department Representative will receive an email from the Office of Human Resources with instructions on the Courtesy Mass Appointment Verification process and a deadline by which all departmental courtesy appointments must be reviewed.
Internal Courtesy Onboarding Walk Through
External Courtesy Onboarding Walk Through
Activating your Courtesy FSUID
Courtesy Employees do not have the option to sign up for parking via payroll deduction and will need to contact TAPS at (850)644-5278, via email at transportation@fsu.edu, or visit their office (located at 104 N Woodward Avenue) to order a virtual parking permit.
The FSUCard is the official identification card for Florida State University. Many facilities and events that you can attend and/or participate in will require you to have a valid FSUCard. Visit the FSUCard website for details or review the FSUCard Center’s FAQs.
Training for Courtesy Appointments
The following trainings are recommended for individuals with FSU courtesy appointments to help them become familiar with relevant policies, rules, regulations, and basic cybersecurity practices. You may register for and complete these onboarding courses starting from the effective date of your appointment.
How to Register for Training Guide
Anti-Sexual Misconduct Awareness and Prevention (Instructor-led Course Number: COSHP1). This course reviews FSU's stance on sexual misconduct, the university's applicable policies, including what constitutes sexual misconduct, available reporting options and resources, and mandatory reporting requirements for Responsible Employees. Online Orientation Version: Anti-Sexual Misconduct Awareness and Prevention.
Basic Cybersecurity (Course Number: COCSTO). Florida State University has an ongoing commitment to secure the University's technology environment and safeguard the data entrusted to us. Completion of Cybersecurity Basics Training is required by the 4-0P-H-5 Information Security Policy. The course, developed by the ITS Information Security and Privacy Office, will help each employee apply a series of simple steps to prevent unauthorized access and protect our private information.
Equal Opportunity & Compliance (Instructor-led Course Number: COEEO1). This course examines Equal Employment Opportunity Law issues at the Federal, State, and University Policy levels. Online Orientation Version: Equal Opportunity & Compliance.
FERPA The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (Online Course Number: FERPAO). The goal of this presentation is to introduce you to the Federal law, Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, also known as FERPA. Every employee, regardless of job duties, should be aware of FERPA and their obligation to the protect the privacy of our students and alumni. If you have questions or concerns not answered in this presentation, please contact the Registrar's Office by emailing registrar@fsu.edu. The Registrar's Office serves as the primary point of contact for all FERPA issues at FSU. They will be happy to answer your questions or provide additional training.
FDLE Sexual Offender and Predator Registry Information
Florida State University Strategic Plan
Office of Faculty Development and Advancement
Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policies