- The Background Check Questionnaire is required for all appointments, internal movement actions, additional duties, and volunteer service. The Questionnaire provides a snapshot of the duties of a job/role compared to the requirements of University Policy 4-OP-C-7-B11, Criminal History Background Checks, and serves as a tool to determine if a background check is needed, and if so at what level.
Questionnaire Location
- Job Openings: The Background Check Questionnaire is integrated in Job Openings for HR to review the posting and responsibilities to ensure the proper background check requirement is advertised in the Job Opening. This background check requirement flows through the creation of Job Offers into Onboarding to ensure the appropriate background check is initiated.
- Express Job Offers: Express Pools (e.g., OPS, GA, Camp, InternFSU) are used to hire a myriad of roles and positions with varying departments and duties. Due to this variation, the Background Check Questionnaire is integrated within the Job Offer itself. HR will review the Questionnaire with the entered Description of Duties to determine the appropriate requirement mandated by University policy. This background check requirement flows into Onboarding to ensure the appropriate background check is initiated.
- Background Check Forms Portal: The Forms Portal is used to complete the Questionnaire manually for personnel actions not tied to a Job Offer such as promotions, laterals, demotions, reassignments, transfers, and changes in assignment via ePAF, Federal Work Study, Volunteer, and Courtesy personnel actions, or additional duties or compliance without a personnel action.
Guidance on Part 1 "Specialized" Questions
- Question 1: "Is this job/role located in the FSU Childcare Center?"
- Select "Yes" only if the position/candidate will work in the FSU Childcare Center.
- Question 2: "Does this job/role require a specific screen to be performed for which approved external agencies complete screenings? (DRS positions, positions within a K-12 school system, etc.)"
- Select "Yes" only if candidates for this position require external screening due to the location of their work (working in a Leon County K-12 School and require the Leon County background check). The external background check may satisfy FSU's background check policies and negate the need for a new background check.
- Question 3: "If the hiring department for this job/role has been granted approval by the Office of Human Resources to perform a specific background check for all employees, select the appropriate level. If not applicable, select "NO.""
- Select "Yes" only of the department has a pre-approved practice from the Office of Human Resources to have certain background checks run on all employees in the department. This practice would only be approved due to the department's environment associated with state/federal mandates.
- Job Openings (Faculty, Executive Service, A&P, USPS, & OPS):
- The Background Check Questionnaire is completed when creating a job opening in the Job Opening screen.
- Answer each question by selecting from the drop-down menu, or upon clicking on the answer field, type "N" for "NO" or "Y" for "YES", then "Tab" to the next question/answer.
- Upon answering all questions, the required background check level will populate at the bottom of the page. (The example shown below is of a salaried position. Under policy, salaried positions require at a minimum a Standard Background Check).
- In addition to the sections above, the questionnaires for OPS Job Openings contain a "Part 4" outlining the requirements of the background check policy as it relates to OPS appointments.
- The Background Check Questionnaire page does not display to applicants. Once the page has been completed, indicate if a background check is required (and if so at what level) in the Postings tab of the Job Opening (Posting Description Type = Criminal Background Check, then choose the appropriate Template).
- Answers to the Questionnaire must be reviewed and confirmed by the position supervisor prior to submission. Question #2 in the last "Part" of the Questionnaire provides only "YES" options to ensure confirmation of the supervisor approval (select either "YES" option).
- If the Background Check Level Code returns with the "XXXX" value, as pictured in the example below, HR will review and select the appropriate background check level manually and notify the department upon approving the Job Opening.
- The Background Check Questionnaire is completed when creating a job opening in the Job Opening screen.
- Job Offers for Advertised Job Openings: Once the recruitment process has come to a close and a top candidate is identified, refer to the Postings tab for the required background check level. If a background check is required, the appropriate background check will be initiated within Onboarding.
- Once pre-employment checks have been completed (e.g., background check, references, salary approval, education verification, license/certification verification, etc.), the job offer can be made.
- Employment cannot begin until all required background checks are completed and approval received from the Office of Human Resources.
- To complete the Job Offer in OMNI-HR:
- From the Applicants tab, across from the candidate's name > click Other Actions > Recruiting Actions > Prepare / View Job Offer.
- Complete the Offer Details tab.
- As pictured in the example below, on the Background Check tab, enter your department's Purchase Order Number and Line Number.
- Enter the Description of Duties (required for OPS offers) and any applicable Comments related to the appointment or billing.
- Complete the Outside Recruiting tab.
- Click the Submit for Approval button to submit the job offer.
- OPS/GA Express Pool Hires:
- The Background Check Questionnaire for express hires (OPS/GA Express) is completed within the job offer process on the "Prepare Job Offer" screen in the "Background Check" tab.
- Once a top candidate is identified, complete the Job Offer process in OMNI-HR and notify the candidate that the Job Offer is contingent on the successful completion of the University's onboarding process and the favorable results from any required background checks. (Allow 2-3 weeks for the onboarding process to complete before the anticipated start date.)
- Once all required action is taken, a formal and final Job Offer can be presented to the candidate. Candidates should not begin work until a background check has been completed, or HR has vetted that a background check is not required.
- To complete the Job Offer action in OMNI-HR:
- From the Applicants tab, across from the candidate's name > click Other Actions > Recruiting Actions > Prepare / View Job Offer.
- Complete the Offer Details tab.
- As pictured in the example below, on the Background Check tab, enter your department's Purchase Order Number and Line Number.
- Enter the Description of Duties (required for OPS offers) or any applicable Comments.
- Complete the Outside Recruiting tab.
- Click the Submit for Approval button to submit the job offer.
- Appointment Actions without HR-OMNI Job Offers (e.g., p-PAF hires, ePAF internal movement actions):
- Once a top candidate is identified, complete the Unadvertised Background Check Questionnaire within the Criminal History Background Check Forms Portal.
- The Questionnaire is automatically emailed to the Department Representative and position supervisor. Upon review and approval, the position supervisor must sign the Questionnaire and scan it to HR-ERS@fsu.edu.
- If the Questionnaire indicates that a background check is not required, HR will review, make the final determination, and notify the department if they can proceed with hire.
- If the completed Questionnaire indicates a background check is required, complete a Request Form within the Criminal History Background Check Forms Portal in order to initiate the background check. HR will conduct the background check and advise the department if and when they can proceed.
- Once pre-employment checks have been completed (e.g., background check, references, salary approval, education verification, license/certification verification, etc.), the job offer can be made.
- Employment cannot begin until all required background checks are completed and approval received from the Office of Human Resources.